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Freshmen Orientation - Click here to Schedule Appointment

Due to social distancing guidelines, our Freshman Orientation will be conducted by appointment only, during the week of August 3-7 from 9am-noon and 1:00-3:00 daily.


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Please contact Mrs. Adrian at jess.adrian@coler5.us to set up your appointment.





ATHLETICS UPDATE - Physicals, Handbook and More

Capital Region Medical Center is offering physicals for athletes interested in participating in athletics for the 2023-2021 school year.

Physicals are now good for TWO years from the date the physical was completed.

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If you have a question about physicals, or want to know if your child is eligible for the 2023-2021 season, please contact megan.brinkmann@coler5.us with any questions.


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  • Current MSHSAA Physical
  • Annual Pre-Participation Form (provides updated insurance information)
  • Capital Region Medical Center Release Form
  • Signed acknowledgement of the Athletic Handbook.

You can find all forms on the Athletic Director webpage.


JH School Supply List - start your shopping for the 2023-2021 school year!

  • JH School Supply List

Freshman Orientation - August 3-7 from 9-noon and 1-3 daily by appointment only. To set your appointment, email jess.adrian@coler5.us.

苹果手机看油管教程 - August 10-14 from 8-noon and 1-3pm in the High School Office. Please come on your designated day:

  • ipad使用youtube
  • Tuesday 8/11 - Juniors
  • Wednesday 8/12 - Sophomores
  • Thursday 8/13 - Freshmen
  • aTV/HomePod - 社区 - 威锋 - 千万果粉大本营:2021-4-5 · 威锋,千万果粉大本营,是中文苹果用户首选的苹果媒体及苹果社区。来威锋,看苹果资讯、讨论当下科技热点、分享玩机心得、优惠购买苹果产品、参与科技酷品试玩活动,获得更多苹果服务。威锋提供7*24小时的苹果资讯,科技原创观点、Apple软硬件、智能硬件评测等,涵盖Apple的iPhone、Mac、iPad ...



Elementary School Supply Lists - start your shopping for the 2023-2021 school year!

  • PreK-6 School Supply Lists

Kindergarten Registration - Monday, August 3 from 4-6pm in the Elementary Cafeteria. At this time, we ask for only parents to attend. Classroom tours are canceled.

Kindergarten Screenings - Appointments for screenings will be set during registration, and will be held August 4-6

Elementary Open House - Canceled, and will not be rescheduled.


Alumni Banquet - September 12, 2023 6:00pm at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Mary's Home. Complete details can be found on the Alumni page.

Alumni Breakfast - The next Alumni Breakfast will be held on October 28. Alumni breakfasts are held the last Wednesday in October and April each year. For ticket info, visit the Alumni page.

Eugene Foundation - Everyone knows how a small sacrifice can make a big difference. If you are interested in supporting the Eugene Foundation, you can help fund scholarships for our seniors seeking post-secondary education. To learn more, view this flyer or email the Foundation.



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March Students of the Month
Congratulations to Eugene Elementary's Students of the Month for March! This month's trait is Trustworthy. Not pictured: Stella Hale, Levi Rains, Alyssa Roberts, Allison Moeller, Karley Lage
More Elementary News
Elementary Knowledge Bowl
私房ipad视频转换器下载 v2.10.416正式版 - 99下载站:2021-3-17 · 私房ipad视频转换器是一款可伍将iPad格式视频进行转,或者可伍将任意格式的视频文件转换成iPad能使用的视频文件的一款工具。音频文件也可伍支持转换,本软件转换速度快,转换后的文件质量高,操作方便,支持进行批量转换。本文就附带了私房ipad视频转换器下载地址,下载安装即可使用,完 …
Michele Kempker Named February Teacher of the Month
Congratulations to Michele Kempker as February's Teacher of the Month! The kids say, "she makes learning easier and fun, she's nice, she's pretty and an amazing teacher."
Our JH/HS artists had a great showing at the Show Me Conference art show! Our art program is under the guidance of Mrs. Rhonda Burkett.